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Enzyme Therapy

Wave (Swoosh) with No Background

The Health Benefits of Digestive Enzymes

  • Improves nutrient availability

  • Improves energy and mental clarity

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Supports immune functioning

  • Relieves digestive disorders

  • Promotes detoxification

  • Promotes longevity

  • Regulates and balances hormones

  • Relieves allergies

  • Reduces risk for disease

Complete Nutrient Digestion

These digestive formulas promote optimum digestion, nutrient availability, and relieve food in-tolerances.


TPP Digest - the most comprehensive digestive formula, especially high in lipase for cholesterol/triglyceride control; also good for acid reflux.


DigestZyme - for more sensitive individuals or those experiencing nausea, diarrhea, and gallbladder difficulties.

Image by Brooke Lark

Proper Blood Circulation

These proteolytic formulas promote circu-lation, immune modulation, and detoxifica-tion while supporting the liver and kidneys.


TPP Protease - for chronic conditions and abnormal immune function; stron-gest, most effective, and most versatile protease blend available.


PureZyme - for those persons sensitive to bromelain or papain and have a more sensitive GI tract, such as IBS or Chron’s sufferers.

Good Microflora and Elimination

These probiotic formulas replenish and maintain healthy intestinal flora while improving the health of the colon.


TPP Probiotic - for long term antibiotic use and dysbiosis.


Plantadophilus - for lower GI stress (diarrhea, gastritis, IBS, constipation, etc.) and is also very soothing and healing for oral application.


What Are Enzymes?


Enzymes are protein molecules that make chemicals which carry a vital energy factor needed for every chemical action and reaction that occurs in our body. There are approximately around 20,000 different enzymes found in each human cell. These enzymes can combine with co-enzymes (vitamins and minerals) to form nearly 100,000 various chemicals that enable us to see, hear, feel, move, think and digest food. Every organ, every tissue and the 100 trillion cells in our body depend upon the reaction of enzymes and their specific energy factor they themselves produce. Nutrition cannot be explained without describing the part that enzymes play.


It is essential to break down food so as to get its nutrients. However, for various reasons, we do not have all digestive functions in optimum condition to sustain wellness. We experience deficiencies and irregularities in our development, lose enzyme functionality during our aging process and so we end up functioning at less than an optimum level. Additionally, environmental exposures, stress levels, in addition to poor food choices continually undermine digestive function. Even the types of food we commonly eat play a role, since it is hard to digest processed or chemically enhanced foods. Because of these genetic, lifestyle/behavioral, and food composition factors, no one really has optimum digestion. For these various reasons it makes good common sense to supplement the diet with additional plant based digestive enzymes.


Supplemental enzymes are enzymes that have been extracted in some manner from either plants or animals and are taken in supplemental forms. Plant (mycelia) and food based enzymes are grown and extracted. Animal enzymes such as Pancreatin are taken from the pancreas of a hog or ox. Pepsin is prepared from the stomach of pigs and trypsin is from the intestine of the same animals. An animal enzyme is limited in the digestive system.


The enzymes of choice are as follows: plant food enzymes such as bromelain from pineapple and papain from papaya which are protease (protein splitting) enzymes. Mycelia (plant based) enzymes are grown on a plant and extracted naturally without contamination. These enzymes are protease (protein splitting) enzymes, polysaccharolytic (carbohydrate splitting) enzymes and lipases (fat splitting) enzymes. They work throughout the entire digestive tract. Protease enzymes are blended to work in both the digestive and circulatory systems.

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Getting Started with Enzymes

Wave (Swoosh) with No Background

People are continuously being advised to take various supplements, herbs, and vitamins or to eat a certain diet in order to improve health. And yet no focus is placed on ensuring that whatever is being taken is also being digested and absorbed. The assumption is made, even by nutrition experts, that we all digest equally and completely. However, we know that this is not the case. BioDézyne Wellness Programs therefore have their core scientific and clinical wellness philosophy based on three intricate physio-biochemical needs. Our starting point is simple: support digestion, improve circulation, and facilitate the elimination of waste.


1. Ensure the proper digestion, absorption, and utilization of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats necessary for the body to sustain health and vitality.


2. Ensure adequate blood circulation, removal of metabolic waste, and optimized immune modulation.


3. Maintain a good microflora within the GI tract, which is an integral part of the body’s biochemical and homeostatic basis.

Ocean Rocks

Our belief is simple. Give the body the nutrients it needs, clear away the waste, and allow the body to manage its resources.

We call this “The Foundation” because, no matter the health condition, this is where you start. The "Healthy Gut Program" three main products constitutes the foundation of the BioDézyne approach to health and wellness.

Calm Sea

Nutrition professionals and enlightened consumers are waking up to the fact that we are a mal-digesting society. It makes no difference if we are eating right. If we are not also digesting right, disease and ill health are still bound to happen.


Every biochemical reaction is driven or controlled by the presence of energy-rich protein molecules known as enzymes. Enzymes, as catalysts, increase the rate at which a reaction reaches equilibrium and, like other catalysts, are not changed during the reaction. Digestive enzymes break down the food we eat into a form the body’s cells recognize and can use. Supplemental digestive enzymes can therefore enhance the bio~availability of the nutrients we ingest. The benefits include overall improved nutritional status, resulting in enhanced immune function, decreased allergic reactions, and better elimination of toxic waste.


As health-conscious people, we can agree on the importance of proper nutrition. But how do we define nutrition? Nutrition is not simply limited to the choice of good food or high quality supplements. One must also digest, absorb, and transport those essential nutrients and then eliminate waste in order for the body to truly benefit from good food. So does it not therefore make sense to assist, support, and enhance the digestive system?

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* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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